Some legacy Article Forge plans have two types of usage that are calculated separately: Interface and Auto-pilot usage.
Interface usage
This usage is calculated when you create articles one at a time in the main interface (the New Article page).
If you are on a legacy unlimited plan, you can create as many articles in the interface as you would like.
Auto-Pilot usage
This usage is calculated when you use any of our Auto-Pilot features: the Bulk Article Generator, the WordPress Post Scheduler, and the API.
If you are on a legacy unlimited plan, you can create up to 250,000 words with Auto-Pilot features per month.
Overage usage
Some legacy plans allow overages.
Overage usage costs $0.25 per 1,000 words and will be added to your bill at the end of each monthly usage period (even if you pay yearly). There is a limit of $100 of unpaid overage usage (400,000 words) per billing period.
To avoid hitting the unpaid overage usage limit, or to simply plan ahead, you can also choose to prepay for any amount of additional usage. Any unused prepaid usage will carry over to the next usage period and will only be used once you’ve reached your included usage.
Note about unlimited usage:
All subscription seats are meant to be used by human individuals; automated usage of our interface offering and sharing accounts is not allowed.
While the Unlimited plan does not have any interface usage limit, we reserve the right to cancel any subscription found to be automating or sharing the interface article generation functionality (especially “Group Buy” accounts).
If you need multiple people to use an account at a time, you can add additional user seats to your subscription. Learn more here.