Article Forge is the only tool that can generate high-quality 1,500+ word articles automatically.
Without getting into the technical details, this is possible because Article Forge researches your keywords and plans out the full structure of each article - from section topics to the talking points for each paragraph - before it even starts writing.
This means creating 1,500+ word articles with Article Forge is as simple as clicking a button.
But, while you can just enter your main keyword and let Article Forge do all the work, you can also add your own section headings to control what Article Forge writes about.
Depending on how you want to produce your content, there are a few best practices you should follow to make sure you are getting the best possible results from Article Forge.
Quick Tips:
- When entering keywords, you should always be able to imagine a clear direction your article could take.
- For long articles, your main keywords should be broad enough that they could be broken down into sections or subtopics.
- Your section headings should be simple examples or subtopics that relate to your main keyword.
- Your section headings should align with the intent of your main keyword.
Click here for more tips, examples, and best practices >>